The Department of Jobs, Tourism, Science and Innovation, in collaboration with the Australian Steel Institute is offering financial assistance of 75 per cent of certification costs (to a maximum of $10,000) to support eligible steel fabricators, galvanisers and finishers for the new Steelwork Fabrication and Erection Standard for Australia (AS/NZS 5131).
This 11th round of the Industry Facilitation and Support Program (IFSP) seeks to assist the sector to improve its competitiveness, capacity and capability to deliver steelwork to major markets and to also improve local companies’ attractiveness in important markets such as resources, government and defence.
Businesses within the sector can also benefit from utilising services that provide up to date information related to construction developments and opportunities; whilst also providing links to architects, designers and project proponents with relevant and timely data. Such services form a useful part of the research toolkit for gauging activity, forecasting at a national, state & regional level whilst also providing an overview of activity by postcode.
IFSP offers funding of up to 75% to a maximum of $5,000 for 1st year subscription costs. The round is also available to applicant businesses who employ 200 people or more.
More information and application forms are available here.
Australian Steel Institute
The Australian Steel Institute is the nation's peak body representing the entire steel supply chain.
Steelwork Compliance Australia logo, by Industry Development Directorate
Steelwork Compliance Australia
The objective of Steelwork Compliance Australia is to provide quality compliance certification for the supply, fabrication and erection of structural steelwork to be used in Australia.
The AS/NZS 5131 Standard defines good practice for fabrication and erection of structural steelwork for projects in Australia, and is the basis for the new National Structural Steelwork Compliance Scheme (NSSCS), and has an emphasis on risk management, traceability and accountability.
The process of SCA certification for structural steelwork fabricators varies according to the Construction Category applied for and has been structured to be responsive to ongoing assessment and the evolving competency of the fabricator.
Funding is available for:
- The engagement of temporary expert / consultancy services to gain certification to the National Structural Steelwork Compliance Scheme (NSSCS) Steelwork Fabrication and Erection Standard for Australia AS/NZS5131; delivered by the independent certification body Steel Compliance Australia (SCA).
The IFSP assistance will be available to:
- Meet the cost of Stage 1 (Desktop audit) as carried out by SCA.
- Once progressing to Stage 2 (Site Audit), cover the expenses for Stage 2 as identified by SCA in order to achieve accreditation.
Level of funding
AS/NZS 5131
Applicants can claim up to 75 per cent of approved eligible expenditure to a maximum of $10,000.
Should the applicant not progress to Stage 2 of the process, reimbursement will be limited to a pro-rata payment in accordance with expenditure already incurred.
Business Information Service
Businesses within the sector can also benefit from utilising services that provide up to date information related to construction developments and opportunities; whilst also providing links to architects, designers and project proponents with relevant and timely data.
Such services form a useful part of the research toolkit for gauging activity, forecasting at a national, state & regional level whilst also providing an overview of activity by postcode. Funding of up to 75% to a maximum of $5,000 is now available for 1st year subscription costs. Funding will be considered for new subscriptions only. Applicants with existing subscriptions will not be funded through the IFSP.
IFSP offers funding of up to 75% to a maximum of $5,000 for 1st year subscription costs. The round is also available to applicant businesses who employ 200 people or more.
Payment under the IFSP will only be made to a successful applicant following the submission to the Department of written evidence that the activity has been completed and paid for.
There is no closing date for applications. Please send queries to or contact Andrew Griggs on (08) 9222 0765.
The new AS/NZS 5131
The brochure is available in pdf - Please save before editing.
The New ASNZS 5131