Am I eligible to apply?

To ensure you are eligible to apply for a grant, please refer to either the DSC Collaborative Research Assessment Criteria or the criteria listed in the Higher Degree Student Grant Page.

Which grant should I apply for?

The Defence Science Centre Collaborative Research Grants will provide funding to enable industry and or the Defence Science Technology Group to undertake collaborative research with Defence Science Centre Participant universities to facilitate defence-relevant research engagement among universities, industry, DST and Defence organisations.

The Defence Science Centre Research Higher Degree Student Grants provides funding to students working on collaborative defence-relevant projects and or undertaking defence-industry placements as part of their study.

What is the timeframe?

The deadline of the application submissions is available on the DSC website.

How can I make my application competitive?

To make your application competitive please refer to either the DSC Collaborative Research Assessment Criteria or the criteria listed in the Higher Degree Student Grant Page, also ensure to provide as much information as possible in the application and give yourself enough time to submit as late submissions will not be accepted.

How do I submit my form?

All applications are to be made via a scanned copy of your form, by email to No other means of submission will be accepted.

Can I apply for a DSC grant if I have applied for another DSC grant before?

Yes, as long as the project the current application regards has no relation to any previous projects grants applied for.

Will you accept late submissions?

No, applications will not be accepted after the closing date and time.

Will you accept incomplete submissions?

No, only complete applications will be considered.

Can I amend my submission after submitting it?

Yes, as long as the application submission date and time has not expired.

Can I attach more information?

Yes, DSC will accept one additional page of information in addition to the information provided within the application form. This page can be included under the Supporting Documentation section at the end of the application form.

Can I include the costs of work previously incurred in the funding?

No, the grant cannot be grandfathered into costs already incurred by the project.

Does my team need security clearance?

No, unless the outcome of the project has the potential to be classified, or if classified inputs or discussions are needed to complete the work, then all team members involved in the project should be capable of obtaining a security clearance.

Does all my team need to sign the declaration form?

No, only a project’s lead / supervisor sign off is required. In the case of the lead being from a university, endorsement from that university is also required.


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