New Science Industry PhD Fellowships Program connecting industry with researchers

by WA Government News | Jan 24, 2019
  • McGowan Government delivers on election commitment for Science Industry PhD Fellowships
  • 11 WA STEM students to work on a range of exciting and innovative projects 
  • $330,000 has been awarded to fellowship winners under the New Industries Fund 

A group of 11 students studying to take up future STEM careers will work on a range of exciting and innovative projects to progress their careers and support STEM in Western Australia.

The group, which includes five young women, has been given the opportunity through the McGowan Government's $16.7 million New Industries Fund. The fund supports and accelerates new and emerging businesses, and is diversifying the Western Australian economy and creating new jobs.

The establishment of the Science Industry PhD Fellowship Program fulfils a McGowan Government election commitment aimed to support PhD candidates collaborate with industry partners in high growth areas. 

The program encourages researchers and industry to work together, adds value to the PhD experience, and strengthens collaboration and research impact in economic high growth areas.

The range of exciting and innovative projects the students will work on includes:

  • Developing new materials to repair tendon damage;
  • Creating a smart home automation system;
  • Protecting critical infrastructure from cyber attack;
  • Promoting sustainable cultural tourism in the Kimberley; and
  • Providing expert advice for beekeepers to maintain healthy hives. 

The program will also include additional training and networking events for PhD candidates, supervisors and industry partners. A second round of the Science Industry PhD Fellowships will be run in the first half of this year. For more information, visit the New Industries WA website at

Comments attributed to Innovation and ICT Minister Dave Kelly:

"These scholarships are another example of the McGowan Government delivering on its election commitments to create WA jobs in the science and innovation industry.

"It is terrific to see so many inspirational Western Australians working on projects that are going to benefit many people and causes.

"The Science Industry PhD Fellowships Program will give PhD students firsthand experience solving industry problems and will expand the science network in Western Australia.

"The program aligns with this Government's commitment to STEM as it opens up pathways for PhD students into industry and continues to support a pipeline to jobs of the future."

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